Our Charity Partners
Projects That We Support
There is no doubt that our natural environment is under threat. We are starting to see the effects of climate change. Many land and ocean ecosystems and some of the services they provide have already changed due to global warming. Biodiversity is currently in decline. More than 1,700 species and ecological communities known to be threatened and at risk of extinction.
Elimin8’s mission is to donate 15% of after-tax profit to environmental organisations. As such you purchase not only reduces landfill but also contributes to protecting our marine environment and for generations to come.
Great Barrier Reef Legacy
Great Barrier Reef Legacy is an innovative leader in collaborative coral reef research expeditions, education, stewardship and multi-media engagement organisation
Is an Australian charity that has been restoring degraded lands through ecologically sensitive planting for the last 21 years. We encourage everyone to make climate-healthy choices that go beyond being ‘carbon neutral’.
Now a volunteer organisation, ASR operates branches along the NSW coastline, with volunteer members rescue and rehabilitate seabirds, shorebirds, sea turtles and sea snakes
Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef
Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef is the world’s first collaborative movement for the Reef. A unique, data-driven and united approach to Reef conservation